ASTRONOMY and ASTROPHYSICS -- EQUILIBRIUM DISTANCES Between Stars ! Contrary to currently-accepted theory, stars do NOT follow simple free orbits around the center of a galaxy (around the mass inside each orbit). According to the comprehensive GENERAL UNIFIED Theory of the Physical Universe developed by the late Physicist Dewey B. Larson, stars (lone stars, solar systems, binary star systems, or multiple star systems) occupy EQUILIBRIUM DISTANCES between each other LIKE MOLECULES IN A LIQUID, and with a certain amount of VISCOSITY. Each star (system) has a GRAVITATIONAL LIMIT (again contrary to currently-accepted theory) which depends on its mass. Each star (system) is OUTSIDE the gravitational limits of its neighbors, and therefore it tends to MOVE AWAY from them because of the OUTWARD SCALAR MOTION inherent in the universe, [which is the REAL CAUSE of its expansion]. At the same time, each star is INSIDE the gravitational limit of the galaxy as a whole, which allows the INWARD SCALAR MOTION of gravitation to pull the stars together toward the galactic center or disc. Likewise, in globular star clusters, each star is OUTSIDE the gravitational limits of its neighbors, but INSIDE the gravitational limit of the AGGREGATE globular cluster, so EQUILIBRIUM DISTANCES are maintained. [Note that globular star clusters show little or NO ROTATION that would prevent all the stars from falling into one big mass at the center.] Globular clusters are NOT in orbits around the center of their galaxy, but are instead FALLING INTO the galaxy from intergalactic space where they were formed relatively RECENTLY. (They contain the YOUNGEST stars in the Universe, NOT the oldest.) As they fall, they tend to lose stars and break-up into OPEN star clusters, because of the aggregate galaxy's disruptive gravitational effect on them as they get closer. Observation has shown that the closer a globular cluster is to the disc or center of our galaxy, the FEWER stars it has. And it is NO more possible for a globular cluster to pass thru the disc or center of a galaxy than it is for a drop of water falling into a pail of water to pass INTACT to the bottom of the pail. A WEALTH of Information about the GENERAL UNIFIED Theory of the Physical Universe developed by the late Physicist Dewey B. Larson can be found at the web site . Robert E. McElwaine B.S., Physics and Astronomy, UW-EC P.S.: PASS IT ON !