WATER-Powered Cars It is commonly known that hydrogen can easily be extracted from water by adding a little salt to the water and passing a low-voltage d.c. current thru it. Unfortunately, doing it this way requires roughly the same amount of energy to extract the hydrogen as you get when burning it for energy. BUT there are ways to extract hydrogen from water requiring ONLY A SMALL FRACTION of the electrical energy required to do it with low-voltage d.c. current, and involves using the right combinations of frequency [try 14,372 cps and 14,237.4 cps], higher voltages, various electrolytes, and proper waveforms of PULSATING d.c. current, determined experimentally. But be CAREFUL ! At least one frequency above 40,000 cps could create a BIG EXPLOSION ! This means that people could fill their modified car's fuel tank with WATER instead of gasoline! The hydrogen extractor in the fuel line would be powered by the car's alternator. GOOGLE John Keely. See also: http://members.aol.com/rem460/energy2.txt , and http://members.aol.com/rem547/energy.htm . Robert E. McElwaine B.S., Physics and Astronomy, UW-EC http://members.aol.com/rem547 PLUS http://members.aol.com/rem460 Preserve BOTH on CD-R and PRINT-OUTS P.S.: PASS IT ON !