CLARIFICATION of the LAW of KARMA The LAW of KARMA says that you REAP what you sow. It does NOT say that you reap ONLY what you sow. There are MANY WAYS, many KINDS of ways, in which you can reap things that you YOURSELF did NOT sow. Some of these ways are described in Eckankar writings. For example, when a person gets married, s/he INHERITS some of the karma of her/his spouse, inlaws, and children; ( AFFECTED by THEIR problems, MOST of which result from THEIR misdeeds during PREVIOUS INCARNATIONS.). This is IN ADDITION TO whatever karma that they shared in common to begin with. EVERY person who pays "taxes", including karma-free High Initiates in Eckankar, are VICTIMS of CRIMES of EXTORTION and ARMED ROBBERY committed by MAFIA-type organi$ations posing as "governments". Automatically blaming victims gives AID AND COMFORT to the PERPETRATORS, including the SECRET GANGS OF ORGANI$ED CRIMINAL$ ("CABALS") who DELIBERATELY INSTIGATE most of the trouble in this world ! (See the book "RULE BY SECRECY", by Jim Marrs, 2000, and , and , and .) Therefore, "love, kindness, and compassion" DICTATE that ALL VICTIMS be given the BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT, and considered INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY of negative karma or other fault. Robert E. McElwaine Eckankar Initiate PLUS Preserve BOTH on CD-R and PRINT-OUTS P.S.: See also my MAIN Article about the LAW of KARMA at . P.S.2: PASS IT ON !