Creationism and Evolution BOTH WRONG The debates about the issue of creationism vs. evolution keep popping up, often in local public school board meetings. Some Christians want to force public schools to teach creationism, even though their children can already learn it in Sunday school, church, and parochial schools, as well as in their homes. I wonder how they would like being forced to teach EVOLUTION in their Sunday school, church, and parochial schools. Creationism and evolution are actually both partly right, BUT BOTH MOSTLY WRONG ! There is a 3RD ALTERNATIVE that is being systematically ignored and suppressed: SEEDING BY SPACE ALIENS ! The TRUE ORIGIN for humans is the six-planet solar system that we call Vega, which is now the main headquarters for the REAL Galactic Federation that will soon be formally greeting us with a First Contact mass UFO landing. (See the web site .) See also: or . Another most important fact of life that is being systematically ignored and suppressed by both the Christian churches and the public schools is that people PHYSICALLY REINCARNATE, back and forth between the physical and psychic planes, as many times as they need to. Several kinds of supporting evidence for it can be found in books at public libraries and book stores. It was the Nicene Council of the early Roman Catholic Church that REMOVED REincarnation from the Christian teachings. The churches want us all to believe that we have only one chance to make it, so that they can have more control over their members and extract more money out of them. See also: or . Robert E. McElwaine PAO Member Eckankar Initiate B.S., Physics and Astronomy, UW-EC PLUS Preserve BOTH on CD-R and PRINT-OUTS P.S.: PASS IT ON !