MIND-CONTROL by ORTHODOX Religions For the first twenty years of my life I was a Missouri Synod Lutheran. For six years during grade school, I had to attend church and Sunday school nearly every week. Every Saturday I was forced to WASTE a lot of time memorizing Bible verses and quotations from Martin Luther, for recitation during Sunday school. Most of these memorizations were about Lutheran DOCTRINE, rather than Christian living. This is MIND- CONTROL. For two years during 7th and 8th grades, I had to spend Saturday mornings attending "Confirmation Class". During each of those two years we had to go through a long list of memorizations (MIND-CONTROL) for the class. Several times during the second year we had to get up in front of the congregation and recite quotations or respond to questions fired at us by the preacher. The intensity of such experiences makes them a form of MIND- CONTROL. So was the public "Confirmation" ceremony at the end of the two years. All of this was backed up by stated and implied promises of Heaven and THREATS of ETERNAL TORTURE in Hell. They actually had me believing that a God of LOVE would send people to BURN IN HELL FOREVER just for failing to believe the teachings. Such a SCARE-TACTIC is the ULTIMATE form of MIND-CONTROL. And I was sent to these MIND-CONTROL sessions by people (my parents) on whom I was COMPLETELY DEPENDENT for ALL of my living needs--food, clothing, shelter, EVERYTHING. The MIND-CONTROL tactics described above are really NO less extreme than those allegedly used by the "Moonies", and the result is THE SAME. Fortunately, UN-like most people, I was able to DE- PROGRAM MYSELF. The trigger came in mid-1968 when I read the book "Edgar Cayce--The Sleeping Prophet" and came to the chapter about REincarnation. Since then, I have been learning the TRUTH about many important things--religious, political, historical, economic, even "scientific", in spite of a continuous barrage of BRAINWASHING official-LIES and HALF-truths from the government, CONTROLLED news media and "education" systems. The reason there seems to be little interest so far in Eckankar, Sant Mat, etc., is because most people have been so thoroughly BRAINWASHED by orthodox teachings. See also: http://members.aol.com/rem460/deadxmas.txt , http://members.aol.com/rem460/badgods.txt , http://members.aol.com/rem547/yahweh.htm , http://members.aol.com/rem547/school.htm , and http://members.aol.com/rem460/masters.txt ; or the same file names at http://www.geocities.com/remspiral7/ . Robert E. McElwaine Eckankar Initiate B.S., Physics and Astronomy, UW-EC http://members.aol.com/rem547 PLUS http://members.aol.com/rem460 Preserve BOTH on CD-R and PRINT-OUTS P.S.: PASS IT ON !