EFFECTIVE HERPES REMEDY One to four 250 mg. capsules of "Lifelink" brand BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) every night at bedtime (it takes several hours to dissolve) will make one IMMUNE against herpes (BOTH types), SUPPRESS herpes symptoms if one already has herpes, PREVENT SPREADING herpes to other people, but will NOT cure herpes (because copies of the herpes DNA have been spliced into the infected person's own DNA). [ http://www.lifelinknet.com or http://www.MaggiesCottage.com .] "In recent experiments, BHT killed all tested small-nucleic-acid-core-diameter lipid (fatty) coated viruses, including herpes viruses.", quoting the book "Life Extension", by Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw, page 206 of the 1982 paperback edition. BHT might also do these things against AIDS viruses. Robert E. McElwaine http://members.aol.com/rem547 PLUS http://members.aol.com/rem460 Preserve BOTH on CD-R and PRINT-OUTS P.S.: PASS IT ON !